Leading the Pack – How Subnational Policy Pioneers are Driving the Energy Transition
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15:00 - 16:30 CET // 9:00 - 10:30 ET
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The climate crisis is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. The subnational level must form part of the effort to tackle it. Cities, regions, and states on both sides of the Atlantic have implemented powerful energy policies, often in response to a perceived lack of federal leadership. Their actions are increasingly critical to keeping international climate diplomacy alive.
This session entitled Leading the Pack – How Subnational Policy Pioneers are Driving the Energy Transition showcased subnational energy initiatives in Canada, Germany, Mexico, and the United States. Inspiring leaders from Canada, Germany, Mexico, and the United States discussed their objectives, the challenges they face, their strategies to overcome resistance, and they explored opportunities to scale up successes and forge alliances.
- Alexander Ochs, Founder and CEO, SD Strategies (moderator)
- Marc Pacheco, State Senator, Massachusetts (keynote speaker)
Henning Mümmler-Grunow, Government of Schleswig-Holstein
Maria van Veldhuizen, Consultant for sustainable development and renewable energy, SD Strategies
- Sofía Hernández, Secretariat of Environment and Territorial Development, State of Jalisco, Mexico
Peter Love, Center for Community Energy Transformation, Brampton
- Demetra McBride, Office of Sustainability and Environmental Management, Arlington County, United States
- Jorge Narro, Secretariat of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Energy, State of Campeche, Mexico
- Alexander Freier, Senior Consultant, Energy self-sufficient village of Feldheim, Germany
- Leigh-Anne Thurber, Senior Analyst, Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, Nova Scotia
The event is organised by SD Strategies for the Transatlantic Climate Bridge Conference 2023: Multilevel Action for Transatlantic Climate Success. Initiated by the German government, the TCB has successfully promoted transatlantic cooperation on climate and energy policy since 2008.