Transatlantic Climate Bridge
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What We Do
Our goal is to promote and facilitate transatlantic cooperation on climate and energy policy. We work to address the political and societal challenges of the vital transition to greenhouse gas neutrality.


Transatlantic Climate Bridge
Headline (optional)
Who We Are
We are the Transatlantic Climate Bridge (TCB): a consortium of climate and energy think tanks, consultancies, and NGOs working to improve and coordinate climate policymaking between Germany, the United States, and Canada.


Transatlantic Climate Bridge
Headline (optional)
Working With Us
Does the TCB’s work sound like work you’re already doing, or with which you’d like to engage? We are open to collaborating with or supporting new partners, and we encourage anyone to reach out to us with questions or insights.


Transatlantic Climate Bridge
Headline (optional)
Meet the TCB Team
We are the TCB members at adelphi, one part of the multi-partner TCB consortium