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Who We Are

We are the Transatlantic Climate Bridge (TCB): a consortium of climate and energy think tanks, consultancies, and NGOs working to improve and coordinate climate policymaking between Germany, the United States, and Canada. At the head of our consortium is adelphi, a Berlin-based leading independent think tank and public policy consultancy on climate, environment, and development. adelphi and its partners run the TCB on behalf of the German Federal Government.

The core members of the consortium are:

  • adelphi - a Germany-based leading independent think tank and public policy consultancy on climate, environment, and development.
  • Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft - an initiative of German chairpeople, CEOs and family businesses with the aim of limiting global warming to 2 degrees.
  • Climate Advisers - a US/UK-based group that works to strengthen climate action in the United States and around the world through research, analysis, public policy advocacy and communications strategies. 
  • Wilson Center - the United States’ key non-partisan policy forum for tackling global issues through independent research and open dialogue to inform actionable ideas for the policy community.

The network members of the consortium are:

  • The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) - an award-winning independent think tank headquartered in Canada that works to fulfil a bold commitment: to create a world where people and the planet thrive.
  • E3G - an independent climate change think tank with offices in London, Brussels, Berlin & Washington.
  • Society of Environmental Journalists - the only North American membership association of professional journalists dedicated to more and better coverage of environment-related issues.
  • Polis 180 - a German grassroots thinktank for young people working on foreign and European policy.
  • SD Strategies - a policy and communications consultancy headquartered in Berlin that focuses on issues at the intersection of economic and social development, energy, and the environment.

The Transatlantic Climate Bridge is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), and the German Federal Foreign Office (AA). We work in close collaboration with German government ministries; however, we are an independent initiative that does not speak for the German government. Our activities are neither an endorsement nor rejection of the policies we address, nor do they indicate policy preferences of the German government. Any opinions expressed in our analyses or podcasts should not be taken to represent the position of every organization in our consortium, but rather of the authors of that specific piece.

The TCB was founded in 2008. In 2021 it was relaunched to give fresh impetus to transatlantic policy cooperation at a critical time for climate protection.

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