Our goal is to promote and facilitate transatlantic cooperation on climate and energy policy. We work to address the political and societal challenges of the vital transition to greenhouse gas neutrality.
Transatlantic cooperation between Germans, Americans, and Canadians is an essential element of achieving the Paris Agreement targets by rapidly and durably reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Improving each country’s understanding of the others’ climate-policy positions is at the core of our work.
How do we pursue our goal? We inform and connect climate actors on both sides of the Atlantic. We advise relevant government stakeholders and facilitate existing cooperation initiatives — for example between the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). And through our event calendar, social media accounts, and newsletters, we provide information to aid the work of a wide range of organizations in the transatlantic climate space.
We also encourage new actors to work on transatlantic climate cooperation. We publish research and analysis on climate policy developments in each country, including on the sub-national level, and we serve as a platform for new actors who want to learn more about the field. We facilitate and support third party events — offering content support and speakers, advice on event management, and even funding.